Franchise - Buying a Franchise? Top 25 Questions to Ask a Franchisor

Overall questions for Franchisor ✅

Financial related questions ✅

Marketing and Demographics ✅

Operations and Training ✅

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Overall questions for the Franchisor

  • What are your criteria for choosing a Franchisee?
  • What is your competitive advantage in your industry, who are your biggest competitors and what makes this franchise stand out?
  • How Financially strong is the Franchise company? (Item 21 in FDD) Are you owned by a larger parent company? How do you get capital for the Franchise if it’s needed?
  • What’s the biggest competitive threat in this industry/marketplace? What is the biggest opportunity?
  • What are the most recent changes and innovations you implemented, and what is on the horizon?
  • How many locations/units have closed/opened in the last 3 years? Why did the closed units/locations close? (Found in FDD)
  • What’s happened to the market/industry in the last 5 years? How has this impacted your market share and strategy?
  • What key performance indicators (KPI’s) do you share with Franchisees?
  • What kind of periodic calls or conferences do you host for the Franchisees?
  • Where do you see the company 5 years from now? Are you planning any major strategic changes to this concept?
  • How long have your top 10% of your AUV performing units/locations been opened/operating?v

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Financial related questions

  • What will impact the total range of the investment, and how can I keep the total investment lower without sacrificing on opportunity and quality?
  • What do you disclose in Item 19, and why?
  • What are the royalties, how do you calculate them and how often are royalties paid? (Are royalties on gross sales or net sales)

Marketing and Demographics

  • What are the marketing fees required, and how often are they paid?
  • How are the marketing fees used, and how does it support Franchisees?
  • How do you support Franchisees with local marketing, how many people are on your marketing team?
  • Has the franchisor conducted any market studies on the territory to ensure that it can support a franchise?
  • What are the demographics required to support a franchise?
  • What are the traffic counts required to support a franchise?

Operations and Training

  • How does the initial training work?
  • What support do you offer beyond the initial training?
  • How does your supply chain work? Who are the vendors/distributors in my area and how many other locations/units do they support?
  • What vendors am I required to use and for what can I select my own vendors?
  • Do you earn more on products purchased by Franchisees? If so, what and how much?

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